Level 1
Find the following values without a calculator.
In 187364,
  1. the digit 1 has a value of _____.
  2. the digit 8 has a value of _____.
  3. the digit 7 has a value of _____.
  4. the digit 3 has a value of _____.
1 m
Level 1
Find the following values without a calculator.
  1. 224920 = 200000 + _____ + 900 + 20
  2. 123472 = _____ + 20000 + 3000 + 400 + 70 + 2
  3. 178962 = 100000 + 70000 + _____ + 900 + 60 + 2
  4. 365213 = 100000 + 600000 + 5000 + _____ + 10 + 3
1 m
Level 1
What is the value of the digit '7' in 1 123 789?
1 m
Level 1
In 4 325 690, which digit is in the ten thousands place?
1 m
Level 1
Write 9 hundreds, 4 ones and 6 thousandths in decimal.
1 m
Level 1
In 2 709 735, what is the sum of the values of the digits '7'?
1 m
Level 1
8 tens, 1 tenth, 6 thousandths is                   .
1 m
Level 1
What is the place value of the digit '7' in the number 788230?
1 m
Level 1
Write 3 thousands + 1 hundred + 6 tenths + 3 hundredths in numerals.
1 m
Level 1
In 7 359 209, the value of the digit 3 is how many times the value of the digit '2'?
1 m