Level 3 PSLE
Three girls used the same number of pearls to make necklaces. Dana used 25 of her pearls, Esther used 34 of hers and Fina used 23 of hers. They had a total of 1440 pearls at first. How many pearls did each girl use?
3 m
Level 3 PSLE
Ian had a total of 810 long and short rulers. After selling an equal number of both types, he had 13 of the long rulers and 16 of the short ones left. What was the total number of rulers left?
3 m
Level 3
Rael, Henry and Will shared $117. During a shopping trip, Rael spent 16 of his share, Henry spent 15 of his share and Will spent 12 of his share. Given that all three boys each spent the same amount of money, how much more money do Rael and Henry have than Will in the end?
3 m
Level 3 PSLE
Blake and Steve ran in a race. When Steve had completed the race, Blake had only run 58 of the distance. Steve's speed was 75 m/min faster than Blake's speed. Both of them did not change their speeds throughout the race. What was Blake's speed in m/min?
3 m
Level 3
Tickets for a theme park were sold at $83 and $117. All the tickets were completely sold out. The amount collected for the $117 tickets was $80145. Given that the number of $117 tickets was 17 of the number of $83 tickets, how much more money was collected from the sales of the $83 ticket than the $117 ticket?
3 m
Level 3 PSLE
Tickets for a zoo trip were sold to teachers and pupils at different prices as shown.
Price per ticket:
Teacher $20
Pupil $8
14 of the tickets sold were bought by teachers. The total amount of money collected from the sale of tickets to pupils was $416 more than the total amount collected from the sale of tickets to teachers. How much money was collected from the sale of tickets altogether?
3 m
Level 3
Henry had to paint some cartons. On the first day, the number of cartons he painted was 40% of the number of cartons that he had not painted. One week later, he painted another 100 cartons. As a result, the total number of painted cartons became 28 more than 12 of the total number of cartons. How many more cartons were unpainted than painted on the first day?
4 m
Level 3
Betty and Eva shared some stickers. Betty had 60% of what Eva had at first. Betty then gave Eva 37 of what she had. How many more percent did Eva have than Betty in the end? Correct the answer to 1 decimal place.
4 m
Level 3
At a zoo, there were 35 as many adults as children at first. After 46 adults left, there were 116 more children than adults remaining at a zoo. How many adults were at the zoo at first?
3 m
Level 3
Sean, Tim, Fred and Mark paid a total of $132 for a souvenir. Mark paid 38 of what the rest paid. Sean paid 20% of what the rest paid. Tim and Fred paid an equal amount of money. How much did Fred pay?
4 m