Level 3
Recca took 5 hours to travel from Country A to Country B at 60 km/h. Then he travelled from Country B to another country at 1.5 times his original speed. 40% of the distance from Country A to Country B is equal to 13 of the distance from Country B to the next country. Find the average speed for the whole journey and express it in mixed number.
5 m
Level 3 PSLE
Wendy spent 16 of her money on a dress and 3 belts. The dress cost 2 times as much as each belt. Wendy spent 34 of her remaining money on a watch. She spent $160.65 more on the watch than on the 3 belts.
  1. What fraction of Wendy's money was spent on each belt?
  2. How much money did Wendy have at first?
5 m
Level 3
In the figure, ABCD is a square of sides 24 cm. G is the midpoint of BD. DE = EC. DG is 4 times of FG. AH is 38 of AG. Find the total shaded area.
5 m
Level 1
A durian cost twice as much as a mango. Julie bought 5 durians and 5 mangoes for $30. How much does a mango cost?
2 m
Level 3 PSLE
There are two numbers. One is 5 times the other. They have exactly six common factors. Three of the common factors are 1, 2 and 9.
  1. What are the other 3 common factors?
  2. What are the two numbers?
2 m
Level 3 PSLE
Four girls, Ally, Bernice, Cally and Donna raised money for a charity. Ally and Bernice raised a total of $105. Together, Bernice, Cally and Donna raised a total of $180. The total amount of money raised by all 4 girls is 4 times the amount that Bernice raised. How much money did Bernice raise?
2 m
Level 2
Anna had 76 more marbles than Wendy at first. Wendy gave 19 of her marbles to Anna. Anna now has 3 times as many marbles as Wendy. How many marbles did Wendy have at first?
2 m
Level 2
When Mr Vincent is 34 years old, his nephew is 11 years old. In how many years will he be 2 times as old as his nephew?
2 m
Level 2
Last year, Ben was 4 times as old as his son, Fred. This year, their total age is 52 years old. How old will Ben be when he is 3 times as old as Fred?
2 m
Level 2
Asher had 5 times as many buttons as Carl at first. Then each of them bought an equal number of new buttons. In the end, Carl had 42 buttons and Asher had 3 times as many buttons as Carl. How many buttons did both of them buy altogether?
2 m