Level 3
The number of girls in a school funfair was 35 that of the boys. There were 240 more boys than girls. After some boys had left the funfair, the number of girls at the funfair was thrice the number of the remaining boys. How many boys left the funfair?
4 m
Level 3
Rachel had 60 balloons. 15
of the balloons burst and she gave away 78
of the good balloons. How many balloons did she have left?
4 m
Level 3
Jaslyn had 54 more stamps than Joelle. After Joelle gave away 16 of her stamps, Jaslyn had thrice as many stamps as Joelle. How many stamps did Joelle have at first?
4 m
Level 3
At a farm, there were 47 as many ducks and chickens. There were 48 more chickens than ducks. The farmer sold away some chickens. In the end, there were 89 as many ducks as chickens. How many chickens were sold away?
4 m
Level 3
Sarah had 35 as much money as Tricia. Sarah had $40 less than Tricia. Sarah spent some money to buy a birthday present for her friend. In the end, she had 14 as much money as Tricia. How much did Sarah spend on the birthday present?
4 m
Level 3
In a shopping mall, 58 of the customers were female. There were 56 more female customers. Within five minutes, some female customers left the shopping mall. As a result, there were 711 as many male customers as female customers. How many female customers left the shopping mall during the five minutes?
4 m
Level 2
Mr Jones bought a carton of bean bags. There were fewer than 60 bean bags in the carton. The number of bean bags in the carton could be packed into boxes of 4 or 7. What was the greatest possible number of bean bags in the carton?
4 m
Level 3
Henry, Rael and Anna share a sum of money. Henry's share is half of what Rael and Anna receive. Rael's share is 39 of the sum of money. Anna receives $20 less than Henry.
  1. What fraction of the sum of money is Henry's share?
  2. How much is the sum of money?
4 m
Level 3
37 of Caleb's money is equal to 15 of Jake's money. After each of them spent $40, Jake had $120 more than Caleb. How much money does Jake have left after spending?
4 m
Level 3
Aunt Susie is now 46 years old and Tanya is 3 years less than half of Aunt Susie's age. How many years later will Aunt Susie be twice as old as Tanya?
4 m