Level 3
King took 6 hours to drive from Point A to Point B while Jack took 4 hours to drive from Point B to Point A. When they met each other, they were 48 km away from the midpoint of Point A and Point B. What was King's speed?
3 m
Level 3
The perimeter of the figure formed by 3 squares, A, B and C, is 54 cm. The length of Square C is 12 the length of Square B. The length of Square A is twice the length of Square B. Find the area of Square A.
3 m
Level 3
A bus and a car started travelling from Town A to Town B at the same time. After 5 hours, the car reached Town B while the bus covered only 710 of the journey. The speed of the car was 21 km/h more than the speed of the bus. Find the speed of the bus.
3 m
Level 3
Jen and David started running together along a cross country track. When David completed the track in 40 minutes, Jen had run only 58 of the track. Jen’s average speed was 75 m/min slower than David’s.
  1. How long was the cross country track in m?
  2. Find Jen’s average speed in m/min.
3 m
Level 3
Ali is b years old. Bill is four times as old as Ali and Calvin is 6 years younger than Bill.
  1. Express Calvin's age in terms of b.
  2. Ali is 10 years old as of now. ln how many years' time will Calvin be 3 times as old as Ali?
4 m
Level 3
310 of the tank is filled with water. Another 210 litres of water are needed to fill the tank to its brim.
  1. What is the volume of the tank?
  2. The Height of the tank is 60 cm and its length is 100 cm. Find the perimeter of its base.
4 m
Level 3 PSLE
The students of a test are divided equally into two groups. In the first group, there are 30 more boys than girls. In the second group, there are 12 more girls than boys. 40% of all the students are girls. How many students are boys?
4 m
Level 3
In the figure, not drawn to scale, ABCD is a trapezium and PQCR is a square. AB//CQ. The size of ∠DCR is 54 of ∠DCQ . Find ∠ADC.
3 m
Level 3
The figure is not drawn to scale. It has three parallel lines and two isosceles triangles. ∠x and ∠y are in the ratio of 3 : 5 respectively. Find ∠x + ∠y + ∠z.
3 m
Level 3
A rectangular tank, 80 cm by 50 cm by 40 cm, is filled with water to a height of 5 cm. The ratio of the volume of water in the tank to that in a pail is 5: 2. If 23 of the pail is filled with water, find
  1. the volume of the pail.
  2. the minimum number of such pails to fill the tank.
4 m