Level 1
How many dragonflies are there? Write in words.
1 m
Level 1
Count and write in words.
1 m
Level 1
Kelvin has (a) _____ toy cars.
He has (b) _____ toy motorbikes.
He has (c) _____ toys in all.
3 m
Level 1
Ann buys (a) _____ fruits in all.
She buys (b) _____ apples.
She buys (c) _____ oranges.
1 m
Level 1
How many cupcakes are there altogether?
1 m
Level 1
Look at the picture.
Give the answers in letters. (Eg A)
  1. Which string has the least beads?
  2. Which string has the most beads?
2 m
Level 1
Which set has the most sweets? Give the answer in letters. (Eg A)
2 m
Level 1
Which set has the least cars? Give the answer in letters. (Eg A)
2 m
Level 1
Count the number of beads on each string.
  1. String A
  2. String B
  3. String C
2 m
Level 1
Which 2 pictures show equal number of cherries? Give the answer in letters. (Eg A, B)
2 m