Level 2
Jane takes 2 h to travel from City A to City B. Joanne takes 3 h to travel from City B to City A. How long would Jane and Joanne take to meet along the way? Express your answer as decimals in h.
2 m
Level 2
Cole earns $3600 per month. He spends 70% of his salary and saves the rest. How much money will he save in half a year?
2 m
Level 1
The table shows the operating hours of a clinic. How many hours does the clinic operate from Sunday to Thursday altogether? (Give your answer in h.)
2 m
Level 1
Jerry left Town A by train and arrived at Town B at 7.15 a.m. The train ride took 9 h 45 min. What time did he leave Town A? (Give your answer in 12-hour clock format.)
2 m
Level 2
Alex answered 20 questions in a test. He took 2 min for each of the first 5 questions and 5 min for each of the remaining questions. The test started at 8.10 a.m. At what time did Alex complete his test? (Give your answer in 12-hour clock format.)
2 m
Level 2
Jackie left for his taekwondo practice and his watch showed 7.35 a.m. He took 35 minutes to travel to his training venue. He then realized that his watch was 10 minutes slow. What was the actual time he reached the training venue? (Give your answer in 12-hour clock format.)
2 m
Level 2
The table shows the charges for renting a motorcycle in a city. How much will Jake have to pay if he needs to rent a motorcycle for 12 hours?
2 m
Level 2
The parking charges at a college carpark are as follows: Mr Tan parked his car from 11.15 a.m. to 6.45 p.m. on Monday. How much was his parking charges for that day?
2 m
Level 2
The carpark charges of ABC Carpark are shown. Mr Tan parked his car at the carpark from 1.35 pm tp 5 pm. How much did he pay for his parking?
2 m
Level 2
Cathy rented a car for 5 days. She was charged $61 per day and $2.50 for every kilometre that she drove. She paid $425 at the end of her rental. How far did she travel?
2 m