Level 3
The figure shows a cube with 3 painted parts A, B and C. These painted parts are of the same area and they are touching the midpoints of the sides of the cube. The total area of the painted parts is 96 cm2. Find the volume of 3 such cubes.
3 m
Level 3
The figure is made up of identical cubes. The total area of the shaded faces is 338 cm2. Find the volume of the solid figure when we add 1 more of such cubes to it.
3 m
Level 3
The figure shows a cube. The total length of all the edges of the cube is 156 cm.
  1. Find the area of the shaded face.
  2. Find the volume of the cube.
3 m
Level 2
The figure is made up of a circle and a square, KLMO of area 25 cm2. K is the centre of the circle. Calculate the total shaded area of the figure. (Take π = 3.14)
2 m
Level 2
The figure is made up of a quadrant, a square and a semicircle. The area of the square is 169 cm2. Find the area of the shaded parts. (Take π = 3.14)
2 m
Level 3
Rectangle WXYZ is made up of an unshaded rectangle, an unshaded square and two shaded rectangles. The area of the square is 25 cm2 and the perimeter of the unshaded rectangle is 78 cm. What is the total area of the 2 shaded rectangles?
3 m
Level 3
A rectangular block is sprayed grey on all the six faces before it is cut into 36 identical cubes as shown in the diagram. The total surface area of the 36 individual cubes is 576 cm2 more than the surface area of the original block that is sprayed grey. What is the volume of the rectangular block?
4 m
Level 3
The figure is made up of identical cubes. If the volume of the solid is 702 cm3,
  1. Find the total surface area of the figure.
  2. How many more of such cubes is to be added to form a cube of side 54 cm?
4 m
Level 3
The figure shows 4 identical circles in a square, WXYZ. The area of the square is 16 cm2. Find the area of the shaded part. (Take π = 3.14)
3 m
Level 3
The figure shows 4 identical circles in a square, WXYZ. The area of the square is 900 cm2. Find the area of the shaded part (Take π = 3.14)
3 m