Level 1
Fill in the blanks.
The number of boys is 0.8 times as many as the number of girls.

  1. Number of boys = _____ u
  2. Number of girls = _____ u
  3. Total number of children = _____ u
  4. Difference between the number of boys and girls = _____ u
4 m
Level 2 PSLE
HJ and JK form two sides of a trapezium HJKL. HL is parallel to JK. HL is twice the length of JK. Identify Point L to complete the drawing of trapezium HJKL.
2 m
Level 2
Natalie has 3 times as many buttons as Xuan. Xuan has 23 as many buttons as Fiona. If the three of them have a total of 110 buttons, how many buttons does Natalie have?
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
Mary has a number of pens in three colours: yellow, orange and purple. 310 of the pens are yellow. The number of yellow pens is twice the number of orange pens. What fraction of the pens is purple?
2 m
Level 2
Box X is half as heavy as Box Y. Box Z is 3 times as heavy as Boxes X and Y together. What is the mass of Box Z if Box Y is n kg?
2 m
Level 2
67 of Sam's money is twice as much as Jason's money. What is the ratio of Sam's money to Jason's money?
2 m
Level 2
57 of Sam's money is twice as much as Jason's money. What is the ratio of Sam's money to Jason's money?
2 m
Level 1
Anne is n years old now. 4 years ago, Anne was 2 times as old as Bernice. How old was Bernice 4 years ago?
2 m
Level 2
Amy is r years old. Her mother is 4 times as old as her. What is their total age in 6 years' time?
2 m
Level 2
Geria is p years old now. In 10 years' time, her auntie will be thrice as old as her. How old is Geria's auntie now?
2 m