Level 1
I am a 4 digit number. I am a number with the digits 9, 0, 4, 7. The digit '9' is in the ones place. The digit '7' stands for 70. What number am I?
1 m
Level 1
965 = 9 hundred         tens 5 ones
1 m
Level 1
5 thousands, 4 tens and 25 ones is the same as         .
1 m
Level 1
The sum of the value of the digit '1' in 2517 and value of the digit '0' in 6019 is          .
1 m
Level 1
The difference of the values of the digits '9' in 9089 is          .
1 m
Level 1
Find the following values without a calculator.
  1. 9 ones = _____
  2. 8 tens = _____
  3. 7 hundreds = _____
  4. 6 thousands = _____
2 m
Level 1
Find the following values without a calculator.
  1. 80 tens 9 ones = _____
  2. 4 hundreds 60 ones = _____
  3. 7 hundreds 21 tens = _____
2 m
Level 1
How many hundreds are there in 9900?
1 m
Level 1
Arrange the numbers in order. Begin with the greatest number. Give the answer in letters. (Eg a, b, c, d)
  1. 6783
  2. 6738
  3. 7638
  4. 7368
1 m
Level 1
Arrange the numbers in order. Begin with the smallest number. Give the answer in letters. (Eg a, b, c, d)
  1. 5604
  2. 5064
  3. 5046
  4. 6054
1 m