Level 3
Jerilee has $4502. Prisca has $646.
  1. How much more money does Jerilee have than Prisca?
  2. How much money must Jerilee give to Prisca so that both of them have the same amount of money?
4 m
Level 3
There were 28 more students in Group A than in Group B. If 9 students transferred from Group A to Group B, how many more students would be in Group A than in Group B?
4 m
Level 3
Thomas collected 200 more stamps than Anna. If Thomas gave 75 of them to Anna, how many more stamps would Thomas have than Anna?
4 m
Level 3
Five similar vases weigh 250 g more than 2 similar figurines. If each vase weighs 150 g, how heavy is each figurine?
4 m