Level 3
Allan and Maine were in a roller skating race. Allan was travelling at a constant speed of 20 km/h and they both did not change their speed. When Maine completed half of her race, Allan was 3.5 km ahead. Allan completed the race at 10.45 a.m. What time did Maine complete the race?
3 m
Level 3 PSLE
Peter and John started jogging at the same time along the route shown. Both did not change their speed throughout. After 45 min, Peter was at the halfway point and John was 450 m behind. Peter reached the end point 4 min before John. What was the distance of the route? Express the answer in m.
3 m
Level 3
Fay cycled from View Hill at 09 56 toward Sand Garden while Joy cycled from Sand Garden toward View Hill at the same time. At 10 06, the two cyclists passed each other. 7 minutes later, Fay reached Sand Garden but Joy was 1155 m from View Hill.
  1. At what speed were the two cyclists approaching each other?
  2. Find the distance between Sand Garden and View Hill Park in km.
3 m
Level 3
Helen and Jomarie started off from the same place and drove at uniform speeds in the same direction round a 40-km circular racing track. Helen completed each round in 40 minutes. Jomarie took 50 minutes to complete each round.
  1. How far would Jomarie be behind Helen after 1 hour?
  2. How long after they started would it take Helen to meet Jomarie for the first time?
3 m
Level 3
In the diagram shown, 23 identical rubber balls were placed between two walls with equally spaced gaps between them. The first rubber ball and the last rubber ball were touching the front wall and last wall respectively. Given that the distance between the two walls was 399 cm and that the radius of a rubber ball was 7 cm. Find the length of the gap between any two adjacent rubber balls as shown.
3 m
Level 3
Tom built a car using two identical wheels of radius 2.9 cm each as shown. The distance between the centres of the two wheels is 59.2 cm. He rolled the car from one end of the room to the other end touching walls at both ends. The distance between the two walls is 11.2 m. How many complete revolutions did each wheel make? Take π = 3.14.
3 m
Level 3
One part of a car wheel was stained with paint on its surface. The diagram showed the tyre marks made by the car wheel when the vehicle moved through a certain distance. Find the radius of the car wheel. Round off the answer to 2 decimal place. (Take π = 227)
3 m
Level 3
In Sunshine Primary School, flag poles are placed at equal distance apart in a straight line. The distance between the 1st and 5th flag pole is 11.6 m. There are a total of 8 flag poles. What is the distance between the first and the last flag pole?
3 m
Level 3
May started jogging from home to park at a speed of 300m/min at 6 a.m. Her brother started jogging from home later. They were beside each other at 6.30 a.m. and her brother reached park at 7 a.m. while May was still 1800 m away. If both of them travelled at a constant speed throughout the journey, what time did her brother leave home?
4 m
Level 3
The distance between town A and town B was 100 km. At 0700 Ali left town A and cycled towards town B. Grace left town A and cycled towards town B at 0730. Grace's cycling speed was 2 km/h faster than Ali. At 1100, Grace caught up with Ali. When Grace was 20 km from town B, she stopped to wait for Ali. How far was Ali from Grace when she stopped to wait for him?
4 m