Level 2
Fill in the blanks in units (Eg 3 u) or unit equations (Eg 1 u + 2).

Adam and Bryan have some stickers.
When Bryan uses 13 of his stickers and
Adam buys another 20 stickers,
they have the same number of stickers each.

Let the number of stickers that Bryan has in the end be 2 u.
  1. Number of stickers that Adam has in the end = _____
  2. Number of stickers that Bryan has at first = _____
  3. Number of stickers that Adam has at first = _____
  4. Total number of stickers that they have at first = _____
4 m
Level 2 PSLE
Five girls shared the cost of a gift equally. When calculating the amount for each share, one of the girls made a mistake by dividing the cost of the gift by 4 instead of 5. Each girl paid $2.40 more than her share. What should be the cost of the gift?
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
Triangle BCD is drawn on a square grid inside a box. By joining dots on the grid with straight lines, identify the dot to draw a right-angled triangle BCE such that it has the same area as triangle BCD. Give your answer in number. (Eg 1)
2 m
Level 3
Fill in the blanks in units, decimal units or unit equations. (Eg 3 u OR 1.2 u OR 1 u + 2)
Adam, Bryan and Chris have some stickers.
After Adam's number of stickers is doubled,
Bryan's number of stickers is increased by 10 and
Chris' number of stickers is reduced by 8,
the ratio of the number of stickers of Adam to Bryan to Chris becomes the same.
Let the number of stickers that Adam has in the end be 1 u.

  1. Number of stickers that Adam has at first = _____
  2. Number of stickers that Bryan has at first = _____
  3. Number of stickers that Chris has at first = _____
  4. Total number of stickers that they have at first = _____
4 m
Level 2
May and Dora had $n altogether. After May gave $12 to Dora, each of them had the same amount of money. How much did Dora have at first?
2 m
Level 3
Olivia has 60% as many erasers as Penny. Penny has 180% as many erasers as Kate. If Penny gives 30 erasers to Kate, both will then have an equal number of erasers. Find the average number of erasers the three of them have.
3 m
Level 3
Queenie and Violet collect pens. Queenie gave 50% of her pens to Violet and as a result, Violet's pens increased by 40%. If Queenie has 84 pens left, find the number of pens Violet must give to Queenie in the end so that they have equal number of pens.
3 m
Level 2
In the figure, not drawn to scale, ABCD is a parallelogram. ∠CDE and ∠BAE are equal. Find ∠x.
2 m
Level 2
Last week, Fred had a total of 334 yellow and red pens. Two weeks later, he sold 23 of all the yellow pens and 82 red pens. Now he has the same number of yellow and red pens. How many pens does he have in the end?
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
At first, Lily had an equal number of red and green beads . She gave away 23 of her red beads and some green beads. In the end, she was left with 14 of her beads. What fraction of the green beads was Lily left with?
2 m