Level 1
Find the following values without a calculator.
  1. 2 kg = _____ g
  2. 3.4 kg = _____ g
  3. ______ g = 7.5 kg
  4. ______ kg = 2000 g
2 m
Level 1 PSLE
5000 mℓ of water was poured into 2 containers equally. How many litres of water were there in one container?
2 m
Level 1
Find the following values without a calculator.
  1. 2 ℓ = _______ mℓ
  2. 2.3 ℓ = _______ mℓ
  3. 1230 mℓ = _______ ℓ
  4. 1240 mℓ = ______ cm3
    2 m
    Level 1
    Find the following values without a calculator.
    1. 1007 mℓ = 1 ℓ _____ mℓ
    2. 2067 mℓ = 2 ℓ _____ mℓ
    3. 1 ℓ 3 mℓ = _____ ℓ
    4. 12 ℓ 45 mℓ = _____ mℓ
    2 m
    Level 1
    Find the following values without a calculator.
    1. $3 = ______ ¢
    2. 140 ¢ = $_____
    3. $3.20 = ______ ¢
    4. $3 ÷ 5 = ______ ¢
      2 m
      Level 1 PSLE
      Find the value of 108 x 60.
      1 m
      Level 1 PSLE
      Find the value of 230 x 18.
      1 m
      Level 2 PSLE
      Mrs Lee had a bottle of oil. She used an equal amount of oil each day. At the end of the 5th day, she had 990 mℓ of oil left. At the end of the 7th day, she had half the bottle of oil left. How many litres of oil were there in the bottle at first?
      2 m