Level 3
Find the answers.
  1. $2 = _____ ¢
  2. 10¢ = $ _____
  3. $1.05 = _____ ¢
  4. 270¢ = $ _____
3 m
Level 3
Abigail had 10 kg of flour at her shop. She sold 450 g in the morning and 2 kg 700 g in the afternoon. How much flour did she have left? (Give the answer in kilograms and grams.)
3 m
Level 3
The mass of a kitten is 3 times that of a rabbit. The mass of the kitten is 1 kg 200 g. What is the total mass of the rabbit and the kitten?
3 m
Level 3
Eric has a total of 14 fifty-cent and ten-cent coins. The total value of the coins is $3. If he spends all the fifty-cent coins on a stapler, how much does the stapler cost?
4 m
Level 2
Iris drove 460 m further than Ruby and 1 km 34 m further than Emmy. If Ruby drove 4 km 20 m, find the distance Emmy drove in km and m.
4 m
Level 2
Rosie is 24 cm shorter than Britney. Britney is 38 cm taller than Dana. If Rosie is 1 m 58 cm tall, find Dana's height in m and cm.
4 m
Level 3
Sarah cuts a piece of wire into three pieces. The first piece is 156 cm shorter than the second piece. The second piece is 2 m 42 cm longer than the third piece. If the first piece is 2 m 26 cm long, find the length of the third piece in m and cm.
4 m
Level 3
Erika cycled 860 m more than Sofia. Mark cycled 940 m less than Erika. Find the distance Mark cycled if Sofia cycled for 4 km 50 m. Give the answer in km and m.
4 m
Level 3
In a weight-lifting competition, the first weight-lifter lifted a mass of 300 kg 300 g while the second weight-lifter lifted 50 kg 300 g more. Given that the third weight-lifter lifted 40 kg 500 g more than the second weight-lifter, what is the total mass that the 3 of them lifted?
4 m
Level 3
Sheryl has a mass of 58 kg. Anna weighs 14 kg more than Sheryl but 4 kg less than Fiona. Find the total mass of the 3 girls.
4 m