Level 3
Sarah had 70% as many candies as Xuan. Sarah gave away 10% of her candies and Xuan bought another 99 candies. As a result, Sarah now has 30% as many candies as Xuan. Find the number of candies that Xuan had at first.
5 m
Level 3
Tina and Sarah have some cupcakes each. If Tina gives Sarah 49 cupcakes, Tina will have 34 as many cupcakes as Sarah. If Tina gives Sarah 19 cupcakes, they will have an equal number of cupcakes. How many cupcakes does Tina have at first?
4 m
Level 3
10 days ago, Ruth had a total of 250 green and violet stickers. 40% of her stickers were violet stickers. Today, her father gave her some more stickers. As a result, her green stickers increased by 30%. Now, 50% of her stickers are violet stickers. How many violet stickers did her father give her?
5 m