Level 3
There are 200 more teachers in School X than in School Y. After 25% of the teachers left School X and 50% of teachers left School Y, the number of teachers who remained in School X is thrice that of the number of teachers in School Y. Find the number of teachers in School X at first.
4 m
Level 3
There are 25% more red crayons than blue crayons in a bag. After John removed 40% of the red crayons and increased the number of blue crayons by 10%, there are now 70 fewer red crayons than blue crayons. Find the number of blue crayons at first.
4 m
Level 3
Natalie sold lavenders and tulips in her shop on Mother's Day. 70% of the flowers she sold on that day were lavenders and she sold 81 tulips.
  1. What was the total number of flowers sold?
  2. 10% of the flowers in the shop were sold on that day. 10% of the flowers left were tulips. How many tulips were left?
4 m
Level 3
A philanthropist bought a total of $19380 worth of toys, textbooks and clothes to donate to the needy children. The number of clothes bought was 20% more than the number of toys bought but 20% fewer than the number of textbooks bought. The toy cost $12 each and was $2 more expensive than each textbook but 40% cheaper than each piece of clothes. How many toys and textbooks did the philanthropist donate to the needy children?
5 m
Level 3
Tammy baked 420 pies. 40% of them were peach pies. How many more peach pies must Tammy bake so that 80% of her pies are peach pies?
5 m
Level 3
There was an equal number of mangoes and pineapples. On Monday, some mangoes were added, such that the number of mangoes increased by 80%. On Tuesday, the number of mangoes further increased by 50% and the number of pineapples decreased by 20%. There were 38 more mangoes than pineapples in the end. How many mangoes and pineapples were there altogether at first?
5 m
Level 3
At first, the ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls at a school playground was 2 : 5. When 48 girls and some boys entered the playground, the number of girls increased by 12% and the total number of children at the playground increased by 20%.
  1. How many boys were there at first?
  2. What percentage of the children at the playground were boys in the end? Express your answer as a mixed number.
5 m
Level 3
The usual price of a notebook sold at Shop A and B is $20. During a sale, a discount of 20% is given to every notebook sold at Shop A. At Shop B, a discount of 50% is given to the 3rd notebook for every 3 notebooks sold. How much cheaper would it be if Lily buys 8 notebooks from Shop A instead of Shop B?
5 m