Level 1
Find the following values without a calculator.

Which is larger?
  1. 2.3 cm or 0.23 m?
  2. 1.3 ℓ or 130 mℓ?
  3. 12 km or 1200 m?
3 m
Level 2
In the figure, ABCE and ACDF are rectangles and DEF is a straight line. AB = 4 cm. BC = 3 cm and AC = 5 cm. Find the length of AF.
2 m
Level 1
The area of a square is 81 cm2. Find the perimeter of the figure.
2 m
Level 2
Ribbon A is 75 cm long. Ribbon B is 3 times as long as Ribbon A. What is the average length of the 2 pieces of ribbon?
2 m
Level 2
A lorry consumes 0.08 litre of petrol for each kilometre travelled. How many Iitres of petrol are needed for the lorry to travel 40 kilometres?
2 m
Level 2
The average height of a persimmon tree, a mango tree and a coconut tree is 2.8 m. The coconut tree is twice as tall as the mango tree and 1.6 m taller than the persimmon tree. Find the average height of the persimmon tree and the mango tree.
2 m
Level 2
Andy's foot is 16.5 cm long. He measures the length of his classroom with his footsteps. If he takes 40 footsteps, what is the length of his classroom? Give the answer in metres.
2 m
Level 2
AE is a 3 m long straight line. AC = 112 m and DE = 58 m. BC = CD. C divides AE into equal halves. What is the length of BE? Give your answer as a mixed number.
2 m
Level 1
Paul ran a distance of 2 km in 10 minutes. At this rate, what was the total distance he ran in 1 hour?
2 m
Level 2
Cathy rented a car for 5 days. She was charged $61 per day and $2.50 for every kilometre that she drove. She paid $425 at the end of her rental. How far did she travel?
2 m