Level 3
Chris has 70 stickers.
Bryan has 3 times as many stickers as Adam.
Chris has 20 stickers less than Bryan.
How many stickers doe Adam and Chris have altogether?
4 m
Level 3
Chris has 70 stickers.
Adam has 3 times as many stickers as Bryan.
Chris has 10 stickers more than Bryan.
How many stickers does Chris have more than Bryan?
4 m
Level 3
230 stickers are in 3 packets.
The 1st packet has 20 more stickers than the 2nd packet.
The 2nd packet has 3 times as many stickers as the 3rd packet.
How many stickers are in the 1st packet?
4 m
Level 3
220 stickers are in 3 packets.
The 1st packet has 3 times as many stickers as the 2nd packet.
The 3rd packet is 20 more than the 2nd packet.
How many stickers are in the 2nd and 3rd packets?
4 m
Level 3
190 stickers are in 3 packets.
The 1st packet has 20 less stickers than the 2nd packet.
The 2nd packet has 3 times as many stickers as the 3rd packet.
How many stickers are in the 3rd packet?
4 m
Level 2
The bar graph shows the number of newspapers sold over a period of 5 days.
  1. On which day was the least number of newspapers sold?
  2. How many more newspapers were sold on Sunday than on Friday?
2 m
Level 3
190 stickers are in 3 packets.
The 1st packet has 20 more stickers than the 2nd packet.
The 1st packet has 3 times as many stickers as the 3rd packet.
How many less stickers are there in the 3rd packet than the 2nd packet?
4 m
Level 3
230 stickers are in 3 packets.
The 1st packet has 20 less stickers than the 2nd packet.
The 1st packet has 3 times as many stickers as the 3rd packet.
How many stickers are in the 2nd packet?
4 m
Level 2
The bar graph shows the number of books Primary 3 students read over a week.
  1. Class __ and ___ read 240 books in total.
  2. For every 3 books read by the students, they can exchange for 1 gift. How many more gifts did Class 3B exchange than Class 3C?
2 m
Level 3
220 stickers are in 3 packets.
The 1st packet has 20 less stickers than the 2nd packet.
The 3rd packet has 3 times as many stickers as the 1st packet.
How many stickers are in the 2nd and 3rd packet?
4 m