Level 1
In the number 6745, what is the value of the digit '4'?
2 m
Level 1
A: 3 thousands 30 hundreds 5 tens 4 ones
B : 5 thousands 3 hundreds 80 tens 9 ones
C : 5 thousands 3 hundreds 9 tens 9 ones

Which letter has the greatest value? Give the answer in letter. (Eg A)
2 m
Level 1
Which of the following numbers is greater than 4876? Give the answer in letter. (Eg a)
  1. 3453
  2. 2314
  3. 1254
  4. 4877
2 m
Level 2
Wendy is thinking of a 4-digit number. The number is between 3000 and 4000. The digit in the tens place is 5 more than 2. The digit in the ones place is 3 less than 7. The digit in the hundreds place is 2.
What number is it?
2 m
Level 2
Janet has a 4-digit number in mind. The digit in the ones place is 3 more than the digit in the tens place, but 5 less than the digit in the thousands place. The value of the hundreds place is 600. The digit in the thousands place is the greatest odd number. What is the number?
2 m