Level 3
1 Notebook $3
1 Story book $6
Hilda had just enough money to buy 3 story books. However, she bought some notebooks instead. How many notebooks did she buy if she spent all her money?
4 m
Level 3
The figure is make up of 3 circles. The small circle has centre O and a radius of 6 cm. The big circle, has centre O and a radius of 10 cm. The diameter of the big circle cuts through the centre of the medium-sized circle and the small circle. The three regions formed are indicated as X, Y and Z.
  1. Find the radius of the medium-sized circle.
  2. Find the area of region Z. Use a calculator to obtain the value of π. (Round off to nearest 2 decimal places).
  3. Express the area of the region Y as a ratio to the area of region X.
5 m
Level 3
During a class gathering, 47 of the students were boys and the rest were girls. Halfway, 22 more girls joined in the gathering and there were 35 as many boys as girls. Find the number of students at the class gathering in the end.
4 m
Level 3
Each letter represents a different digit. Find the digit represented by each letter.
3 m
Level 3
Pinpin bought 1500 stickers and Don bought 2840 stickers. After Don used 25 times as many stickers as Pinpin, he was left with twice as many stickers as Pinpin. How many stickers did each of them have in the end?
  1. Pinpin
  2. Don
5 m
Level 3
Janine has a piece of cloth that is 543 cm long. She uses 384 cm to make a blouse. She wants to make another identical blouse. How much more cloth does she need?
4 m
Level 3
Amanda bought 2 boxes of chocolates. Each box cost $9. She gave the cashier a $50 note. How much change would she get back?
3 m
Level 3
Cherry has more than 30 but fewer than 40 candies. If she packs them in packets of 5, she will have 3 left. If she packs them in packets of 7, she will only have 3 in the last packet. How many candies does Cherry have?
4 m
Level 3
The figure is made up of a circle, a rectangle and 2 semicircles. AC, the diameter of the circle, is 15 cm, AB is 12 cm and BC is 9 cm.
  1. What is the total area of the shaded parts?
  2. What is the total perimeter of the shaded parts? (Take π = 3.14)
5 m
Level 3
Mr Lim has some pencils. If he ties them in bundles of 6, he will have 5 extra pencils. If he ties them in bundles of 5, he would be short of 3 pencils. What is the smallest possible number of pencils Mr Lim has?
4 m