Level 3
At a farm, there were 47 as many ducks and chickens. There were 48 more chickens than ducks. The farmer sold away some chickens. In the end, there were 89 as many ducks as chickens. How many chickens were sold away?
4 m
Level 2
Tim is 74 cm tall. His mother is 90 cm taller than him but 18 cm shorter than Tim's father. How tall is Tim's father?
3 m
Level 2
Find the values.
  1. a
  2. b
4 m
Level 3
Write '+' or '-' in the circles for the 2 letters.
  1. A
  2. B
3 m
Level 2
Jill thought of a number. When this number is rounded off to the nearest ten, it becomes 60. This number is also a common multiple of 4 and 8. What is the smallest possible number?
4 m
Level 3
Sarah had 35 as much money as Tricia. Sarah had $40 less than Tricia. Sarah spent some money to buy a birthday present for her friend. In the end, she had 14 as much money as Tricia. How much did Sarah spend on the birthday present?
4 m
Level 3
Sue is 1 m 54 cm tall and Candice is 183 cm tall. Find the difference in their heights in cm.
3 m
Level 3
Mrs Spears baked 345 cupcakes on Monday. She baked 84 more cupcakes on Monday than that on Tuesday.
  1. How many cupcakes did she bake on Tuesday?
  2. How many cupcakes did she bake on both days?
4 m
Level 3
Find the answers.
  1. $2 = _____ ¢
  2. 10¢ = $ _____
  3. $1.05 = _____ ¢
  4. 270¢ = $ _____
3 m
Level 2
The mass of a bag of sugar is 200 g. The mass of a bag of flour is 600 g. Mrs Foo wants to buy an equal amount of sugar and flour. What is the least number of bags of sugar that she should buy?
4 m