Level 3
Tom has $110. Carl has $52 more than Tom. Glen has $20 less than Carl. How much does Glen have?
4 m
Level 2
Judy has $4 more than Lily. Karen has twice the total amount of money Judy and Lily have. The 3 girls have $66 altogether. How much more money than Lily does Karen have?
4 m
Level 3
Daniel, Richard and Raymond shared $120. Given that Daniel had $35 more than Richard and Raymond had $55 less than Daniel, how much money did Raymond have?
4 m
Level 2
Faizal has $36. Sarina has thrice as much money as Faizal. Dinesh has twice as much money as Sarina. How much money do they have altogether?
4 m
Level 3
Will has $120. Will has $40 less than Ethan. Ethan has $52 more than Karl. How much does Karl have?
4 m
Level 2
Sam, Ken and Don had a total of $108. Ken had twice as much money as Sam. Don had thrice as much money as Ken. How much more money did Don have than Ken?
4 m
Level 3
Tom has $130. Ivan has $70 more than Tom. Kim has $70 less than Ivan. How much money does Kim have?
4 m
Level 2
The total cost of a watch, a radio and a calculator is $270. The radio costs thrice as much as the calculator. The watch costs twice as much as the radio. Find the difference in the cost between the watch and the radio.
4 m
Level 2
Iris drove 460 m further than Ruby and 1 km 34 m further than Emmy. If Ruby drove 4 km 20 m, find the distance Emmy drove in km and m.
4 m
Level 2
There are 180 blue and green balls in bag A. There are 320 green and red balls in bag B. Given that there are thrice as many red balls as blue balls, and the number of green balls in both bags is the same, find the difference between the red balls and the blue balls.
4 m