Level 2 PSLE
Sandy, Robert and Matthew shared $450. Robert received 20% more than Sandy while Matthew received 20% less than Sandy. How much more than Matthew did Robert receive?
2 m
Level 3
Fill in the blanks.
Adam receives some allowance.
If he increases his spending by 10%,
his savings decreases by 30%.

  1. Amount of spending = _____ u
  2. Amount of savings = _____ u
  3. Total amount of allowance = _____ u
  4. Difference in the amount of spending and savings = _____ u
4 m
Level 3
In the figure, not drawn to scale, 40% of the triangle XEZ is shaded. The ratio of the shaded part of circle to the unshaded part of the circle is 5 : 9. What percentage of the rectangle WXZY is shaded?
3 m
Level 3
Olivia has 60% as many erasers as Penny. Penny has 180% as many erasers as Kate. If Penny gives 30 erasers to Kate, both will then have an equal number of erasers. Find the average number of erasers the three of them have.
3 m
Level 3
Queenie and Violet collect pens. Queenie gave 50% of her pens to Violet and as a result, Violet's pens increased by 40%. If Queenie has 84 pens left, find the number of pens Violet must give to Queenie in the end so that they have equal number of pens.
3 m