Level 3
Isabelle had $574 less than Jane. Jane spent 35 of her money and Isabelle spent 34 of her money. In the end, Jane had 3 times as much as Isabelle. Find the amount of money Isabelle had at first.
4 m
Level 3
Eva and Fiona went shopping with a total of $200. After Eva spent 34 of her money and Fiona spent $46, the ratio of Fiona's money became 3 times as much as Eva's money. Find the ratio of Eva's money to Fiona's money at first.
4 m
Level 3
Liam had 57 as many 20-cent coins as 1-dollar coins in his piggy bank. Each time, four 20-cent coins and six 1-dollar coins were taken out from the piggy bank. In the end, only seven 20-cent coins and four 1-dollar coins were left in the piggy bank. How many more 1-dollar coins than 20-cent coins were there in the piggy bank at first?
4 m
Level 3
Aunt Tina baked 50 less cookies than muffins. After she gave 35 of the muffins and 0.7 of the cookies to Cathy, she was left with 88 fewer cookies than muffins. How many muffins did she bake?
4 m
Level 3
Lisa had 740 more candies than Anna. Lisa used 56 of her candies and Anna used 12 of her candies. In the end, Lisa had 2 times as much as Anna. Find the number of candies Anna had at first.
4 m
Level 3
Bryan's money was 335 times his sister's money. After his mother gave him $44 and his sister $122, Bryan then had twice as much money as his sister. How much money did Bryan have at first?
4 m
Level 3
A fruit seller sells only soursops and avocados. The ratio of soursops to avocados is 5 : 4. A total of 68 fruits are added. The number of soursops becomes 2 times as many as before and the number of avocados becomes 4 times as many as before. How many fruits are there in the end?
5 m
Level 3
Yvonne and Anna have some pens. If Yvonne gives 45 pens to Anna, Anna will have 4 times the number of pens as Yvonne. If Anna gives 104 pens to Yvonne, Yvonne will have 13 as many pens as Anna. How many pens does Yvonne have at first?
4 m
Level 3
The total volume of water in Watering Can A, Watering Can B and Watering Can C was 205 mℓ. I poured out half the volume of water from Watering Can A, doubled the amount of water in Watering Can B and added 55 mℓ of water into Watering Can C. The ratio of the volume of water in Watering Can A to Watering Can B to Watering Can C is now 5 : 4 : 8. Find the total volume of water in the three watering cans now.
4 m
Level 3
Tank A measuring 40 cm by 17 cm by 146 cm is filled with water. Tank B is with a square base of side 68 cm is empty. Water is poured from Tank A into Tank B until the water level in Tank B is twice the height of the water in Tank A. What is the height of the water level in Tank B?
4 m