Level 2
After using 17 of her sugar, Mrs Lim bought another 75 kg of sugar. As a result, Mrs Lim now has 97 as much sugar as what she had at first. How many kilograms of sugar did Mrs Lim have at first?
3 m
Level 3
Clifford had 80% fewer sweets than Ashwin. After Ashwin gave 210 sweets to Clifford, Clifford had 23 as many sweets as Ashwin. How many sweets did each of them have in the end?

  1. Ashwin
  2. Clifford
4 m
Level 3
Benny and Nigel both received an allowance from their father. Benny initially received 30% of the money. He then gave Nigel $5, and was left with 13 as much money as Nigel. What was the total amount of money given to the two boys?
4 m
Level 3
Alan, Benjamin and Charles shared a bag of toy blocks. Benjamin took 35 as many toy blocks as Charles. Alan took twice as many toy blocks as the total Benjamin and Charles took. After Alan had given 20 to Benjamin and 4 to Charles, Benjamin gave 5 to Charles. In the end, all three of them had the same number of toy blocks. Find the difference between the number of toy blocks that Alan and Benjamin had at first.
4 m
Level 3
Molly, Nellie and Olivia had a sum of money. The amount of money Molly had was 45 of the amount of money Nellie had. The ratio of the amount of money Nellie had to the total amount of money Olivia and Nellie had was 3: 8. After Olivia gave $15 to Nellie, she had as much money as Nellie. How much more money did Olivia have than Molly in the end?
4 m
Fred had 12 as many erasers as Will. Will had 23 as many erasers as Rachel. After Fred and Rachel gave 12 erasers to Will, Will had four times as many erasers as Fred. Rachel then had the same number of erasers as Will.
  1. What was the ratio of the number of erasers Fred had to the number of erasers Rachel had in the beginning? Answer in simplest form.
  2. How many erasers did Will have in the end?
4 m
Level 3
The figure shows a garden in the school with two ponds beside each other. The koi pond is a square pond with an area of 64 m2 . The area of the rectangular turtle pond is 34 of the area of the koi pond. The length of the grass patch is twice the breadth of the grass patch.
  1. What is the breadth of the turtle pond?
  2. What is length of the grass patch?
3 m
Level 3
The length of a rectangular table top is 215 m. Its breadth is 57 of its length. 14 of the table top is painted. What is the area of the table top that is painted? Give your answer as a mixed number in its simplest form.
3 m
Level 3
Emma and Peter had a total of $47. After Emma spent 37 of her money and Peter spent $2, the ratio of Emma's money to Kenneth's money became 1 : 2. How much money had Peter at first?
4 m
Level 3
The number of lava cakes on display at a cafe was 34 of the number of cupcakes on display. After 20 lava cakes were bought and the staff added another 30 cupcakes, the number of cupcakes was twice the number of lava cakes. The last group of customers bought 5 cupcakes each, finishing all the cupcakes on display. How many customers were there in the last group?
4 m