Level 1
John took 3 h to paint 45 of a room. How long would he take to paint 15 of the same room? Express your answer in fraction.
1 m
Level 1
A man can paint the house in 3 days. Assuming the same speed, how many days do 2 men take to paint the same house? Express your answer in decimal.
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
Kenny took 20 min to walk 960 m. What was his average speed in km/h?
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
Arnold walked from his home to the library, which is 1.2 km away, at an average speed of 80 m/min. How many minutes did Arnold take to walk from his home to the library?
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
A tank was filled with 48 litres of water at 06 00. Water flowed out of the tank from 06 00 to 11 00. The line graph shows the amount of water in the tank from 06 00 to 10 00. What was the average decrease in the volume of water in litres per hour from 06 00 to 10 00? (Give your answer in ℓ.)
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
A shop is 650 m from Leon’s house. Leon took 10 min to walk from his house to the shop and back again. What was his average walking speed? Give your answer in m/min.
1 m
Level 1
What is 10 minutes past midnight? (Give your answer in 12-hour clock format.)
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
The table shows the charges for bicycle rental. Colin rented a bicycle for 3 hours. How much did he pay?
1 m
Level 1
Jamila took 1 hour 25 minutes to travel from school to his house. If he arrived home at 3.30 p.m., what time did he leave the school? (Give your answer in 12-hour clock format.)
1 m
Level 1
How long do you normally take to wrap a gift?

  1. Less than 5 seconds
  2. More than 5 seconds
  3. 5 seconds
1 m