Level 2
A subway train travelled 900 km from Station A to Station B at an average speed of 150 km/h. It then moved on to Station C which is 500 km away at an average speed of 120 km/h. Find the time taken for the whole journey. Express the answer as a mixed fraction in h.
2 m
Level 2
A train travelled 900 km from City A to City B at an average speed of 150 km/h. It then travelled 500 km to City C at an average speed of 120 km/h. Find the time taken for the whole journey. Express the answer in h and min.
2 m
Level 2
A race car travelled 25 of its journey at an average speed of 64 km/h. Find its average speed for the remaining 480 km if its average speed for the whole journey was 80 km/h.
2 m
Level 2
An airplane flew 9000 km from Country X to Country Y at a speed of 450 km/h. It then covered 4900 km from Country Y to Country Z at a speed of 350 km/h. Find the time taken for the whole journey.
2 m
Level 2
Kim ran 30 minutes at the speed of 10 km/h. She then continued at the speed of 8 km/h for 45 minutes. How far did she run?
2 m
Level 3
Sam took 2 hours to walk from Building A to Building B which was 6 km away. On his way back from Building B to Building A, he increased his average walking speed by 1 km/h. How long did he take for his journey back?
3 m
Level 3
Jesse left home at 6.15 a.m. and drove towards the mountain which was 802 km away. For the first 210 km, she was travelling at 70 km/h. Then she increased her speed by 4 km/h and completed the remaining journey.
  1. How long did she take for her whole journey?
  2. At what time did she reach the mountain?
3 m
Level 3
A coach driver drove the first 4 h of a journey at an average speed 64 km/h. Driving at an average speed of 90 km/h, he then took another 5 h to complete his remaining journey. Find his average speed for the whole journey. Give the answer in mixed number.
3 m
Level 3
Ben drove at an average speed of 84 km/h for 45 minutes. He then reduced his average speed by 6 km/h and drove a further 30 minutes before he reached his house. Find the total distance covered by Ben.
3 m
Level 3
A car uses 9 litres of petrol for every 50 km it travels at an average driving speed is 80 km/h. It uses 6 litres of petrol for every 70 km it travels when it average driving speed is 60 km/h. How much petrol will the car consume use for a journey which lasts 12 h if it travels at 80 km/h for 5 h and 60 km/h for the rest of the journey?
4 m
Level 3
Willy drove from Town A to Town B which was 312 km away. He started from Town A at an average speed of 76 km/h. He maintained this speed for 2 h before increasing it by 4 km/h for the rest of the journey to Town B.
  1. How long did he take to complete the whole journey?
  2. What was his average speed from Town A to Town B?
4 m
Level 3
Uncle Lim travelled from City A to City B which was 560 km away. For the first 480 km of the journey, he travelled at a speed of 80 km/h. He then reduced his speed by 40 km/h and completed the rest of the journey. What was his average speed for the whole journey?
4 m
Level 3
At 9.45 a.m., Mark started driving from Town X to Town Y which was 440 km away. For the first 220 km, he travelled at an average speed of 80 km/h. He then decreased his speed by 20 km/h and completed the remaining journey.
  1. Find the total time taken for the whole journey. Express the answer in mixed number.
  2. At what time did she reach Town Y?
4 m
Level 3
Kenny and Jerry started on a 50-km cycling trip at the same time. They cycled at the same speed for first 10 km. For the remaining 40 km, Kenny cycled faster than Jerry. He arrived at the finishing point 40 minutes before Jerry who was 10 km behind him. Jerry did not change his speed throughout and completed it at 11 30.
  1. At what time did the trip begin? Give the answer in 12-hour format.
  2. What was Kenny's average speed for the remaining 40 km of the trip in km/h?
4 m
Level 3
Recca took 5 hours to travel from Country A to Country B at 60 km/h. Then he travelled from Country B to another country at 1.5 times his original speed. 40% of the distance from Country A to Country B is equal to 13 of the distance from Country B to the next country. Find the average speed for the whole journey and express it in mixed number.
5 m
Level 3
Andy and Luke took part in a 24-km marathon. Andy ran half the distance at a speed of 10 km/h and jogged the rest of the way at a speed of 8 km/h. Luke ran half his total time at 12 km/h and jogged the rest of the time at 6 km/h. If they started the marathon at 7.30 a.m., at what time would each of them finish?
  1. Andy
  2. Luke
5 m