Level 1
In the figure not drawn to scale has a triangle with 2 angles given. Find the third angle and answer as Y = yes or N = no if this angle is an isosceles triangle.
1 m
Level 1
In the figure, ACE and BCD are straight lines. AC = BC. CD = ED and ∠CAB = 55°. Find ∠CED.
1 m
Level 1
The figure shows an isosceles triangle XYZ. Given ∠XZY = 61°, find ∠XYZ.
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
PQRS is a square and PQ = PT. Find ∠QPT.
1 m
Level 3
In the figure, ABCD and BPQR are two rhombuses. If ∠PQR = 114° and ∠ADC = 96°, calculate
  1. ∠QPR
  2. ∠QCB
  3. ∠RSC
5 m