Level 2
Ann brought $z to the supermarket. She bought 2 watermelons at $2.50 each. How much money had she left? Give your answer in cents.
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
Some pupils are arranged in 4 rows. Each row has s more pupils than the row in front of it. There are 8s pupils in the second row. How many pupils are there altogether? Give your answer in terms of s in the simplest form.
2 m
Level 2
Hillary bought 12 buns and 15 doughnuts altogether. One bun is y ¢ and one doughnut is $2. She gave the cashier $50. Express her change in terms of y in cents.
2 m
Level 1
Lindy paid $p for a plate which cost p cents. How much change did she receive? Give your answers in
  1. cents,
  2. dollars.
2 m
Level 1
Ben had $20f. It cost $2f to play a game in the arcade and he played 7 games. If he paid 80 cents for the entrance fee, how much money did he have left in dollars?
2 m