Level 1
How many right angles can you find in the figure?
1 m
Level 1
Determine the number of right angles in the figure.
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
What is the measurement of ∠XYZ?
1 m
Level 1
Measure and write down
  1. the length of AB to the nearest 0.1 cm.
  2. the size of ∠ACB.
1 m
Level 1
Determine the number of right angles within each of the following figures.
1 m
Level 1
Risa was facing Southwest at first. She then turned 225° anti-clockwise. Where is she facing now? Give the answer in letter. (Eg N)
1 m
Level 1
In the diagram, Andy is standing at point B facing the park. How many degrees does he need to turn anti-clockwise if he wants to face the school?
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
The figure shows an 8-point compass. Grace was facing north-east (NE) at first. She then turned 135° clockwise. Which direction does she face now? Give the answer in short form.(Eg N, NE, S, SW)
1 m
Level 1
In the figure, name the smallest angle. (Eg ∠ a)
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
The figure shows the position of a canoe in a reservoir PQRS. Which corner of the reservoir is south-east of the canoe?
1 m
Level 1
A clockwise 14 turn is equivalent to an anti-clockwise ____ ° turn.
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
The position of a fountain in a park with corners A, B, C and D is shown. The fountain is south-east of one of the corners. Which corner is it?
1 m
Level 1
Find ∠a.
1 m
Level 1
What letter shows 40°? Give the answer only in letter (Eg A).
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
In the diagram, X, Y and Z are three points on the ground. Point X is north of point Y and ∠XYZ is 135°. In what direction is point Z from point Y? Give the answer in short form. (Eg N, NE, S, SW)
1 m
Level 1
Using the protractor, identify the angle which is 95°. Give your answer in letters. (Eg ∠AOB)
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
P, Q and R are three towns on a map. P is north of Q and ∠PQR is 45°. In what direction is R from Q? Give the answer in short form. (Eg N, NE, S, SW)
1 m
Level 1
Find a pair of angles that add up to 100°. Give your answers in alphabetical order. (Eg ∠AOC, ∠DOF)
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
The figure shows a map.
A car moved along Street A. After the car turned into another street, it faced south-west. Which street did it turn into?
1 m
Level 1
In the figure shown, which dot can be joined to the marked end point T of the line UT to form an angle greater than 150°? Give the answer(s) in letter(s) in alphabetical order.
1 m