Level 2 PSLE
The average of three different 2-digit numbers is 21. Of the three numbers, find the largest possible number.
2 m
Level 2
From January to August last year, Sherrie read an average number of 7.5 story books per month. She did not read any story books in the next 4 months. On the average, how many story books did she read per month last year?
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
The average of four 3-digit numbers is 240. Two of the numbers are 190 and 230. What is the largest difference between the other two numbers?
2 m
Level 1
The average mass of Perry, Ethan and Tom is 36 kg. The average mass of Perry and Ethan is 34 kg. Find Tom's mass.
2 m
Level 3 PSLE
A player has to play a total of five games in Round 1 of a competition. The scores for Barry's first four games are shown. Barry will qualify for Round 2 if his average score for four of the five games is 50 or more. What is the lowest score Barry must get in the 5the game to qualify for Round 2?
2 m