Level 2 PSLE
A roll of ribbon is made up of white, grey and black segments. Each segment is 1 cm long. The segments follow a repeated colour pattern as shown. A piece of ribbon 80 cm long is cut from the roll. In that piece, how many white segments are there?
2 m
Level 3
Find the missing numbers. (a) _____ , (b) _____ , 76, 66, 56
2 m
Level 2
Colin arranged the letters as shown.


Identify the 230th letter.
2 m
Level 2
The numbers in the sequence are related in some way. Find the value of A.
64, 32, 16, 8,      
2 m
Level 2
Katherine read a book from Monday to Wednesday. Every day, she read 10 more pages than the day before. She read 84 pages on Wednesday. How many pages of the book did Katherine read from Monday to Wednesday altogether?
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
A table with 4 columns is filled with numbers in a certain pattern. The first 4 rows of the table are shown. In which column will the number 362 appear?
2 m
Level 2
The numbers in the sequence are related in some way. Find the value of A.
2, 4, 12, 48, A
2 m
Level 2
13 x 24 x 35 x 46 x ... ... x 9799 x 98100 = ______
2 m
Level 2
Fill in the missing number.
2 m
Level 2
Find the missing values.
4, (a) __________ , 6, 12, (b) __________ , 20, 18

2 m