Level 3
Natalie sold lavenders and tulips in her shop on Mother's Day. 70% of the flowers she sold on that day were lavenders and she sold 81 tulips.
  1. What was the total number of flowers sold?
  2. 10% of the flowers in the shop were sold on that day. 10% of the flowers left were tulips. How many tulips were left?
4 m
Level 3
Container A contains 480 blue buttons and 590 purple buttons. Container B contains 590 blue buttons and 410 purple buttons. How many blue buttons and purple buttons must be removed from Container B to put into Container A so that 50% of the buttons in Container A are blue and 60% of the buttons in Container B are blue?
5 m
Level 3
If Kelly sells a hand phone at a discount of 20% of the usual price, she will make a profit of $40. If she sells it at a discount of 40%, she will incur a loss of $45. Find the price of the hand phone.
4 m
Level 3
If Jerome sells a camera at a discount of 5% of the usual price, he will make a profit of $75. If he sells it at a discount of 20%, he will still make a profit of $30. Find the cost price of the camera.
4 m
Level 3
If Melvin sells a television at a markup price of 10% above its usual selling price, he will make a profit of $500. If he sells it at a discount of 20% of its usual selling price, he will incur a loss of $100. Find the selling price of the television.
4 m
Level 3
Marion had some red and pink marbles. If she gives away 16 red marbles, the number of red marbles will be 10% of the total number of marbles left. If she gives away 48 pink marbles, the number of red marbles will be 25% of the total number of marbles left.
  1. How many marbles does Marion have altogether?
  2. What fraction of Marion's marbles is pink?
4 m
Level 3
Sarah had 70% as many candies as Xuan. Sarah gave away 10% of her candies and Xuan bought another 99 candies. As a result, Sarah now has 30% as many candies as Xuan. Find the number of candies that Xuan had at first.
5 m
Level 3
On Monday, there were 320 more adults than children at the funfair. On Tuesday, the number of adults increased by 65% and the number of children increased by 55%. There were 1552 people on Tuesday. How many adults were there on Monday?
5 m
Level 3
One book costs $48 at a shop. During a sale, for every 3 books bought, the 4th book can be bought at a discount of 15% off the original price. How many books does Ron buy if he pays $1944 altogether?
4 m
Level 3
The advertisement shows the cost of buying pencils from a stationery kiosk.
  1. Hilda bought 29 pencils. How much did she pay?
  2. Howard bought 100 pencils. How much did he pay?
4 m