Level 3
Olivia has 60% as many erasers as Penny. Penny has 180% as many erasers as Kate. If Penny gives 30 erasers to Kate, both will then have an equal number of erasers. Find the average number of erasers the three of them have.
3 m
Level 3
Queenie and Violet collect pens. Queenie gave 50% of her pens to Violet and as a result, Violet's pens increased by 40%. If Queenie has 84 pens left, find the number of pens Violet must give to Queenie in the end so that they have equal number of pens.
3 m
Level 3
The mass of a container when it is 17 full is 6.03 kg. The mass of a container when it is half full is 11.53 kg. What is the mass of the container when it is empty??
4 m
Level 3
Jolene and Katie shared some necklaces. Jolene's share was 45% of Katie's share. She then increased her share of the necklaces by taking 20% of Katie's share. Given that Jolene had 18 fewer necklaces than Katie in the end, how many necklaces did the girls have altogether?
3 m
Level 3
There were some pencils in Box A and Box B. After Carl transferred 34 of the pencils from Box A to Box B, the ratio of the number of pencils in Box A to that in Box B changed to 2 : 9. Find the ratio of the numbers of pencils in Box A to the number of pencils in Box B at first.
3 m
Level 3
There are 634 passengers in Train A. There are twice as many passengers in Train B as in Train A. There are half as many passengers in Train C as in Train A.
  1. How many passengers are there in Train B?
  2. How many passengers are there in the 3 trains altogether?
4 m
Level 3
This figure is not drawn to scale. It is made up of 3 squares. The ratio of the area of the smallest square to the largest square is 2 : 9 while the shaded area is 37 of the unshaded area. What is the ratio of the shaded area to the area of the smallest square?
3 m
Level 3
The square is divided into 4 parts, W, X, Y and Z. W and X form 12 of the square. The area of Y is double of the area of Z, while the ratio of the area of X to the area of W is 1 : 3. What fraction of the square is the sum of the area of X and Y? Leave the answer(s) in the simplest form.
3 m
Level 3
There are 100 balls in a bag. 0.25 of them are red balls, and the rest are green and blue balls. If there are 14 as many green balls as blue balls. How many blue balls are there?
4 m
Level 3
At first, Beaker A and Beaker B contained 0.6 ℓ and 1.6 ℓ of water respectively. Some water from Beaker B was poured into Beaker A with no water spilling over. In the end, there was as much water in Beaker A as in Beaker B. How much water was poured from Beaker B to Beaker A?
3 m