Level 1 PSLE
The volume of a cube is 64 cm3. Find the perimeter of one face of the cube.
1 m
Level 3 PSLE
The figure shows a solid made up of identical cubes glued together. The surface area of the solid, including the base is painted blue. The volume of the solid is 1750 cm3. What is the total surface area that is painted blue?
3 m
Level 3
This figure is not drawn to scale. A rectangular cuboid has been divided into 4 parts, A, B, C and D. The volume of A, B and C are in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 6. A is a cube and has a volume of 64 cm3. Find the total area of the shaded parts.
3 m
Level 3
The figure is made up of identical cubes. If the volume of the solid is 702 cm3,
  1. Find the total surface area of the figure.
  2. How many more of such cubes is to be added to form a cube of side 54 cm?
4 m
Level 3 PSLE
David has 8 large cubes and some small cubes. He placed them in a rectangular tank. The tank was filled to the brim exactly. The diagram shows the first layer of cubes.
  1. How many small cubes does David have?
  2. The volume of the tank is 504 cm3. If the large cubes took up 37 of the tank, What is the length of the edge of one small cube?
4 m