Level 3
King took 6 hours to drive from Point A to Point B while Jack took 4 hours to drive from Point B to Point A. When they met each other, they were 48 km away from the midpoint of Point A and Point B. What was King's speed?
3 m
Level 3
At 12 p.m., a car left City X for City Y at an average speed of 100 km/h while a bus left City Y for City X at an average speed of 80 km/h. At 4.30 p.m., the two vehicles were 20 km apart. Find the distance between City X and City Y.
3 m
Level 3
At 10.25 a.m., a car left Town X for Town Y at an average speed of 86 km/h, while a truck left Town Y for Town X at an average speed of 74 km/h. At 3.25 p.m., the two vehicles were 22 km apart. How far apart were the two towns?
3 m
Level 3
City A and City B is 760 km apart. At 09 00, Sunny, travelling at a constant speed, left City A for City B. At the same time, Ron set off from City B for City A at a constant speed which was 9 km/h faster than Sunny. Find Ron's speed if they met at 17 00.
3 m
Level 3
Fay cycled from View Hill at 09 56 toward Sand Garden while Joy cycled from Sand Garden toward View Hill at the same time. At 10 06, the two cyclists passed each other. 7 minutes later, Fay reached Sand Garden but Joy was 1155 m from View Hill.
  1. At what speed were the two cyclists approaching each other?
  2. Find the distance between Sand Garden and View Hill Park in km.
3 m
Level 3
A black bus left Town A for Town B at the same time when a white bus left Town B to Town A. The average speed of the black bus and the white bus were 56 km/h and 72 km/h respectively. The two buses passed each other at a point 24 km from the midway of the two towns. How far apart are these two towns?
3 m
Level 3
Edward cycled from the mall to the bank at 80 m/min. His sister cycled from the bank to the mall at 65 m/min. Both of them started cycling towards each other at the same time and did not change their speeds throughout their journey. When Edward reached the mall, his sister was 480 m from the bank. What was the distance between the mall and the bank? Express your answer in m.
4 m
Level 3
A pharmacy and a bank, 500 m apart, are situated between Tina's apartment and Lynn's house as shown. The bank is half-way between the two houses. Tina and Lynn left their homes at the same time and arrived at the pharmacy at the same time. Tina drove at a speed of 65 km/h while Lynn drove at a speed 10 km/h slower than Tina.
  1. How much further did Tina travel than Lynn?
  2. How far is Lynn's house from the bank?
4 m
Level 3
Building A and Building B were 360 km apart. A car travelled from Building A towards Building B. At the same time, a bus started from Building B to Building A. After travelling 112 hours, the two vehicles were still 144 km apart. If the ratio of the average speed of the bus to that of the car was 4 : 5, find
  1. the average speed of the bus.
  2. the time taken for them to meet. travelling the rest of the journey
4 m
Level 3
City X and City Y are 420 km apart. At 3.45 p.m., Joni is travelling at a uniform speed left City X for City Y while Ben set off from City Y to City X along the same road at a uniform speed, which was 12 km/h slower than that of Joni. The two met at 6.45 p.m.
  1. Find the speed of Joni.
  2. If Ben continued to travel at the same speed, how long would it take for him to reach his destination after the two met? Express the answer in mixed number.
5 m