Level 3
Sean and Jack have some money. If Sean gives $293 to Jack, the ratio of their money will be 3 : 5. If Sean gives $424 to Jack, the ratio of their money will be 1: 3. How much does Sean have?
3 m
Level 3
Beryl has 2 containers. A and B of different capacities. If Container A is filled by a tap at a rate of 3 litres per minute and Container B is filled by a tap at a rate of 5 litres per minute, when Container A is completely filled, 5 litres of water flowed out from Container B. If Container A is filled by a tap at a rate of 4 litres per minute and Container B is filled by a tap at a rate of 3 litres per minute, when Container A is completely filled, Container B is only half-filled. What is the capacity of Container B?
3 m
Level 3
Yvonne and Anna have some pens. If Yvonne gives 45 pens to Anna, Anna will have 4 times the number of pens as Yvonne. If Anna gives 104 pens to Yvonne, Yvonne will have 13 as many pens as Anna. How many pens does Yvonne have at first?
4 m
Level 3
If Yvonne gives Oscar $27, the amount of money she has will be 25% of his. If Oscar gives Yvonne $12, he will have the same amount of money as her. How much money did each of them have?
(a) Oscar
(b) Yvonne
4 m
Level 3
Cathy and Queenie have some money. If Cathy spends $7, she will have 45 as much money as Queenie. If Queenie spends $3, Cathy will have 56 as much money as Queenie. How much money does Cathy have?
4 m