Level 1 PSLE
Sandy had 50 stickers and Tina had 22 stickers. After Sandy gave some of her stickers to Tina, the number of stickers Sandy and Tina had was in the ratio 1 : 2. How many stickers did Tina have in the end?
2 m
Level 2
The ratio of Wendy's stamps to Yoko's stamps at first was 3 : 4. After Wendy gave Yoko 24 stamps, the ratio of Wendy's stamps to Yoko's stamps is 1 : 2. What was the total number of stamps they had altogether?
2 m
Level 2
The ratio of Tim's money to Carl's money is 3 : 5. If Carl has $845, how much must he give to Tim so both will have the equal amount of money?
2 m
Level 3
Fill in the blanks in numbers, units or unit equations.
Adam and Bryan share a sum of money in the ratio 5 : 7.
After Adam gives 23 of his money to Bryan,
Bryan has $52 more than Adam.

  1. Difference in the amount between Adam and Bryan at first = _____ u
  2. Amount that Bryan has in the end = _____ u
  3. Total amount that they have in the end = _____ u
  4. 1 u = $_____
4 m
Level 2
May and Dora had $n altogether. After May gave $12 to Dora, each of them had the same amount of money. How much did Dora have at first?
2 m
Level 3
Olivia has 60% as many erasers as Penny. Penny has 180% as many erasers as Kate. If Penny gives 30 erasers to Kate, both will then have an equal number of erasers. Find the average number of erasers the three of them have.
3 m
Level 3
Queenie and Violet collect pens. Queenie gave 50% of her pens to Violet and as a result, Violet's pens increased by 40%. If Queenie has 84 pens left, find the number of pens Violet must give to Queenie in the end so that they have equal number of pens.
3 m
Level 3
There were some pencils in Box A and Box B. After Carl transferred 34 of the pencils from Box A to Box B, the ratio of the number of pencils in Box A to that in Box B changed to 2 : 9. Find the ratio of the numbers of pencils in Box A to the number of pencils in Box B at first.
3 m
Level 3
Sean and Jack have some money. If Sean gives $293 to Jack, the ratio of their money will be 3 : 5. If Sean gives $424 to Jack, the ratio of their money will be 1: 3. How much does Sean have?
3 m
Level 3
Ethan and Ian share a sum of money. Ethan receives $2400. If Ethan gets $105 less, the amount of money Ian gets will increase by 35%. Find the sum of money that the boys share.
3 m