Level 3
Joe took 12 min to cycle from his home to a park for his morning exercise. After the exercise, he took 60 min to walk the same route home. The difference between his cycling and walking speed was 40 km/h. How far was Joe's home from the park?
3 m
Level 3
King took 6 hours to drive from Point A to Point B while Jack took 4 hours to drive from Point B to Point A. When they met each other, they were 48 km away from the midpoint of Point A and Point B. What was King's speed?
3 m
Level 3
Timothy took 15 min to jog from his home to his school. After that, he took 20 min to walk the same way home. His walking speed was 3 km/h slower than his jogging speed.
  1. Find Timothy's jogging speed in km/h.
  2. How far was the school from his home?
4 m