Level 2
Vicky and Sue started driving from the same building but in opposite directions along a straight road. After driving for 2 hours, they were 260 km apart. Vicky's average speed was 60 km/h. What was Sue's average speed?
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
Elsa and Ana started jogging from the same place in opposite directions along a straight path. They jogged for 40 minutes. At the end of the jog, they were 7 km apart. Elsa's average speed was 6 km/h. What was Ana's average speed in km/h?
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
Jack and Kim started their walk around a 15-km track at 9.00 a.m. They started at the same point but went in opposite direction. Jack's walking speed was 6 km/h and Kim was 4 km/h. They did not change their speeds throughout. At what time did they first pass each other?
2 m
Level 3
At 8 a.m., Lance left Hotel A in his car and travelled towards Hotel B at 90 km/h. At the same time, Nick left Hotel A in his car and travelled in the opposite direction towards Hotel C. When Nick reached Hotel C at 10:30 a.m., Lance was 15 km away from Hotel B.
  1. What was the distance from Hotel A to Hotel B?
  2. If the distance between Hotel B and Hotel C was 440 km, what was Nick's average speed?
3 m
Level 3
Lani was travelling from Point X to Point Y at a constant speed of 80 km/h. After 2 hours, she passed a bus coming from the opposite direction. Lani travelled another 160 km to reach Point Y. At this point, the bus was still 50 km from Point X. What is the average speed of the bus?
3 m
Level 3
Ron jogged while Bella walked from the same place but in opposite directions along a straight road. After 5 hours, they were 30 km apart. Ron's average speed was 1.2 km/h faster than Bella's average speed. What was Bella's average walking speed in km/h? Express the answer in decimal.
3 m
Level 3 PSLE
Alice and Hilda started jogging from the same point of a 5 km track round a housing estate. They started at the same time but in opposite directions. Alice jogged past Hilda after 2 km. Both of them did not change their speeds throughout. Alice took 30 min to complete one round. What was Hilda's jogging speed in m/min?
3 m
Level 3
At 7 a.m., a black car and a green car left the office and travelled at average speeds in opposite directions round a 25-km route. The black car took 15 minutes to complete each round while the green car took 20 minutes.
  1. Find the speed of the black car.
  2. Find the speed of the green car.
  3. If the 2 cars travelled without any interval of rest, at what time would the 2 cars next meet again at the office?
3 m
Level 3
Vivian and Kyle started cycling at uniform speeds from the same place in opposite direction round an 800-m forest trail. Vivian took 40 seconds to complete each round while Kyle took 50 seconds.
  1. Find the distance covered per second by Vivian in m.
  2. Find the distance covered per second by Kyle in m.
  3. When the two cyclists next met again at the starting point, how far would Vivian have covered? Express the answer in km.
3 m
Level 3
Ray left City B for City A at 07 30. Lindy left City B for City C at the same time. At 10 30, they were 480 km apart. Both maintained a constant speed and reached their destination at the same time at 12 00 h.
  1. Find the distance between Cities A and C.
  2. If Lindy's speed was 35 the speed of Fred, find Ray's speed.
5 m