Level 2
Kelicia was facing Northeast after making an anti-clockwise 225° tum. At which direction was she facing at first? Give the answer in letter. (Eg N)
2 m
Level 3
Some children board a school bus.
At Bus Stop A, 25 of them alight
and 6 children board.
At Bus Stop B, 13 of the children alight
and 4 board.
If there are 20 children on the bus now,
how many children are on the bus at first?
3 m
Level 3
Adam has some stickers.
On Day 1, he gives away 37 of the stickers.
On Day 2, he gives away 28 of the stickers.
On Day 3, he gives away 25 of the remaining stickers.
Now, he has 36 stickers left.
How many stickers does he have at first?
3 m
Level 3
Adam has some stickers.
On Day 1, he gives away 27 of the stickers.
On Day 2, he gives away 25 of the remaining stickers.
On Day 3, he gives away 27 of the stickers.
Now, he has 36 stickers left.
How many stickers does he have at first?
3 m
Level 3
Adam has some stickers
He gives away 13 and an additional 15 stickers to Bryan.
He gives away 49 of the remainder and 10 more stickers to Chris
and 35 of the rest to David.
Adam has 30 stickers left.
How many stickers does he have at first?
3 m