Level 1 PSLE
The average of 8 numbers is 150. One of the numbers is 206. What is the average of the 7 numbers?
2 m
Level 3
The average age of a group of teachers and lawyers is 40. If the average age of the teachers is 35 years and that of the lawyers is 50 years, what is the ratio of the number of teachers to lawyers?
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
The average height of a group of children was 139.4 cm. When Mr Tan measured and recorded the height of these children, he wrongly recorded one child's height as 181 cm when it should have been 118 cm. As a result, Mr Tan calculated the average height as 142.4 cm. How many children were there in the group?
2 m
Level 3
Bottle A and Bottle B have a total amount of 1050 mℓ of water. For Bottle B and Bottle C, the total amount of water is 1320 mℓ. The amount of water in Bottle A is 25 the amount of water in Bottle C. What is the average amount of water in the 3 bottles?
3 m
Level 2 PSLE
The table shows the number of books read by each child in a class of 21 children. One of the numbers in the table is covered by an ink blot. The average number of books read by the children in the class is 6. What is the number covered by the ink blot?
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
The average of three different 2-digit numbers is 21. Of the three numbers, find the largest possible number.
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
The average of four 3-digit numbers is 240. Two of the numbers are 190 and 230. What is the largest difference between the other two numbers?
2 m
Level 3 PSLE
A player has to play a total of five games in Round 1 of a competition. The scores for Barry's first four games are shown. Barry will qualify for Round 2 if his average score for four of the five games is 50 or more. What is the lowest score Barry must get in the 5the game to qualify for Round 2?
2 m
Level 3
Olivia has 60% as many erasers as Penny. Penny has 180% as many erasers as Kate. If Penny gives 30 erasers to Kate, both will then have an equal number of erasers. Find the average number of erasers the three of them have.
3 m
Level 3
5 tailors can sew 10 shirts in 10 hours on average. How long will 50 tailors take to sew 50 shirts on average?
3 m
Level 2
The average score received by Jan, Alicia, Sue and May in a recent Math test was 76 marks. Jan and Alicia both got 8z marks each while Sue got half of May's marks. How many marks did Sue score for the test? Express your answer in terms of z.
3 m
Level 2
Tony drove a distance of 15 km in 10 minutes.
  1. What was his speed in km/h?
  2. How long will it take him to cover 360 km at this speed? Express the answer in hours.
3 m
Level 2
A van covers a distance of 45 km in 25 minutes.
  1. At what speed is it travelling?
  2. How long will it take to cover a distance of 36 km?
3 m
Level 2 PSLE
The bar graph shows the number of storybooks read by a class from January to April. The number of storybooks read is not shown on the scale.
  1. What was the percentage increase in the number of storybooks read from January to February?
  2. The average number of books read in a month from January to April was 25. How many books did the class read in April?
3 m
Level 3
Sam took 2 hours to walk from Building A to Building B which was 6 km away. On his way back from Building B to Building A, he increased his average walking speed by 1 km/h. How long did he take for his journey back?
3 m
Level 3
Jake walks to school at an average speed of 4 km/h every day. One day, after walking a distance of 1 km, he realised that his watch was slow. So, he ran at a constant speed and managed to reach his school just on time. Later, he calculated that if he had run at this speed right from the start of the journey, he would have reached his school 5 minutes earlier. What was his running speed?
3 m
Level 3
Ryan drove at an average speed of 70 km/h for the first 2 hours of the journey. He then increased his average speed by 15 km/h and drove for another 3 hours until he reached his town. Find his average speed for the whole journey.
3 m
Level 3 PSLE
The table shows the number of glass bottles collected by 3 boys.
  1. Find the total number of glass bottles Abe, Bob and Tim collected. Express the answer in terms of m in the simplest form.
  2. If m = 9, find the average number of glass bottles the 3 boys collected.
3 m
Level 3
Jesse left home at 6.15 a.m. and drove towards the mountain which was 802 km away. For the first 210 km, she was travelling at 70 km/h. Then she increased her speed by 4 km/h and completed the remaining journey.
  1. How long did she take for her whole journey?
  2. At what time did she reach the mountain?
3 m
Level 2 PSLE
A florist sold flowers from 09 00 to 17 00 last Saturday. The line graph shows the total number of flowers sold from 09 00.

  1. At what time had the florist sold half the total number of flowers sold that day?
  2. During which one-hour interval was there no flower sold? Give your answer in the following format (Eg. 09 00 to 10 00)
  3. What was the average number of flowers sold per hour from 11 00 to 16 00?
3 m