Level 2
What is 23 of a complete turn?
2 m
Level 2
Figure PQRS is a square. It is made up of 1 small square, 2 small triangles and 3 large triangles. PR and OS are straight lines. What fraction of the square PQRS is shaded?
3 m
Level 2
Suresh had 1 m of string. He cut 3 pieces of string, each measuring 20 cm and gave them to his sister. What fraction of the string was left?
3 m
Level 1
James spent 14 of his salary on food and 38 on transport. What fraction of his salary was spent?
3 m
Level 1
Jasmine spent 14 of her money on sweets and spent 14 of her money on chocolates. What fraction of her money did Jasmine have left?
3 m