David's freight forwarding company charges $19 for every crystal bowl delivered on time and $14 for every crystal bowl delivered late. In the month of November, David's freight forwarding company collected $2844. For every 13 crystal bowls delivered, 11 were delivered on time and 2 were delivered late.
  1. What was the total number of crystal bowls delivered on time?
  2. How much less money did David's freight forwarding company collect in November due to the late deliveries of the crystal bowls?
4 m

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David's freight forwarding company charges $19 for every crystal bowl delivered on time and $14 for every crystal bowl delivered late. In the month of November, David's freight forwarding company collected $2844. For every 13 crystal bowls delivered, 11 were delivered on time and 2 were delivered late.
  1. What was the total number of crystal bowls delivered on time?
  2. How much less money did David's freight forwarding company collect in November due to the late deliveries of the crystal bowls?