One notebook costs $t while one textbook costs 85¢ less than the notebook.
  1. What is the cost of 5 notebooks and 1 textbook? Express your answer in terms of t in its simplest form. 
  2. Caden wants to buy 5 notebooks and 1 textbook but is short of 25 cents. If the textbook costs $1.60, how much money does Caden have in dollars?
3 m

Click button first when a symbol is required. X


Click button first when a symbol is required. X

One notebook costs $t while one textbook costs 85¢ less than the notebook.
  1. What is the cost of 5 notebooks and 1 textbook? Express your answer in terms of t in its simplest form. 
  2. Caden wants to buy 5 notebooks and 1 textbook but is short of 25 cents. If the textbook costs $1.60, how much money does Caden have in dollars?