A cylindrical dispenser of capacity 6.8 ℓ was filled with mango juice to its brim. The mango juice in the dispenser was then dispensed into a cubical container of sides 20 cm, through a tap flowing at a rate of 112 mℓ /min. After 11 min, the tap was turned off and the container was 34 full.
  1. What percentage of the mango juice in the cylindrical dispenser was left? Round off your answer to the nearest 2 decimal places.
  2. How many litres of mango juice were there in the container at first? (1 ℓ = 1000 cm3)
5 m

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Click button first when a symbol is required. X

A cylindrical dispenser of capacity 6.8 ℓ was filled with mango juice to its brim. The mango juice in the dispenser was then dispensed into a cubical container of sides 20 cm, through a tap flowing at a rate of 112 mℓ /min. After 11 min, the tap was turned off and the container was 34 full.
  1. What percentage of the mango juice in the cylindrical dispenser was left? Round off your answer to the nearest 2 decimal places.
  2. How many litres of mango juice were there in the container at first? (1 ℓ = 1000 cm3)