The distance between Town T and Town U was 166 km. At 06 00, Gwen left Town T and cycled towards Town U. Roshel left Town T and cycled towards Town U at 06 45. Roshel's cycling speed was 4 km/h faster than Gwen. At 9 00, Roshel caught up with Gwen. When Roshel was 26 km from Town U, she stopped to wait for Gwen. How far was Gwen from Roshel when she stopped to wait for him?
4 m

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The distance between Town T and Town U was 166 km. At 06 00, Gwen left Town T and cycled towards Town U. Roshel left Town T and cycled towards Town U at 06 45. Roshel's cycling speed was 4 km/h faster than Gwen. At 9 00, Roshel caught up with Gwen. When Roshel was 26 km from Town U, she stopped to wait for Gwen. How far was Gwen from Roshel when she stopped to wait for him?