Find the following values without a calculator.
Give your answers in this manner. (Eg 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%)

  1. Express 600 mℓ as a percentage of 6 ℓ.
  2. Express 7000 mℓ as a percentage of 2 ℓ.
  3. Express 60 min as a percentage of 4 hours.
  4. Express 8 min as a percentage of 20 seconds.
2 m

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Find the following values without a calculator.
Give your answers in this manner. (Eg 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%)

  1. Express 600 mℓ as a percentage of 6 ℓ.
  2. Express 7000 mℓ as a percentage of 2 ℓ.
  3. Express 60 min as a percentage of 4 hours.
  4. Express 8 min as a percentage of 20 seconds.