Adam has 450 stickers.
After 13 of the blue stickers and
60 red stickers are given away,
there is an equal number of blue and red stickers left.
  1. How many blue stickers are there in the end?
  2. How many more blue stickers than red stickers are there at first?
  3. How many blue stickers are given away?
3 m

Click button first when a symbol is required. X


Click button first when a symbol is required. X


Click button first when a symbol is required. X

Adam has 450 stickers.
After 13 of the blue stickers and
60 red stickers are given away,
there is an equal number of blue and red stickers left.
  1. How many blue stickers are there in the end?
  2. How many more blue stickers than red stickers are there at first?
  3. How many blue stickers are given away?